2 tips for business owners who have just had their premises fumigated by a flea control expert
If you recently hired a flea control professional to resolve a flea infestation on your premises, here is some advice that you might find helpful.
1. Provide your employees with the information they need to identify fleas
Getting your premises fumigated by a pest control specialist takes time and costs money. As such, if you want to avoid having your business operations disrupted and your finances affected by another flea infestation in the future, it's important to do whatever you can to stop this type of issue from occurring again.
One way to do this is to provide your employees with the facts they need to help them to identify fleas and the signs of flea infestations. The reason for this is as follows; sometimes, flea infestations in commercial premises are caused by employees or customers unknowingly carrying these insects into the premises on their clothing or body, after having come into contact with an animal or object on which these insects have been living.
If you educate your employees about this insect, there is a much greater chance that they will spot any fleas which land on them or their belongings and take the appropriate action (such as washing the garments or bathing themselves) to remove the insects. This, in turn, should reduce the chances of these individuals contaminating your premises with these insects and causing a second infestation when they go to work. The easiest way to teach your employees about this insect is to show them printed photos of them and to provide them with a list of flea infestation warning signs (such as droppings on their clothing or furnishings, or bite marks on the skin).
2. Implement strict cleaning policies in areas where your employees eat
Another way to ensure that you keep your premises free from fleas after the pest control expert has fumigated the building is to implement strict cleaning policies in areas where your employees eat. More specifically, you should insist that your staff members clean up every last crumb after they have their meals and put any food debris into an airtight rubbish bin. The reason for this is that whilst fleas only consume blood, the wild rats and mice which they often use as hosts will happily consume human food.
This means that if there is splattered soup, bread crusts or some crisp crumbs left behind in your premises by your employees, two problems could occur; firstly, this food might lure rodents into your building, and secondly, these rodents could be carrying fleas that they may then end up transferring to the carpet or furniture in your premises.
This means that even if you manage to scare off the rodents before they build a nest, you could still end up having to get a pest control professional to fumigate your building again, to remove the fleas that the rats or mice brought with them when they visited your premises.